In a few more days, we would be bidding 2021 farewell and saying hello to 2022. Time sure flies fast, doesn’t it? You know what that means. Bring out the list of New Year’s Resolutions! While starting clean on a new slate is all well and good, sticking to them for the rest of the year is a whole other story.
Read on to find out how.
Stick to just one goal at a time

Limiting your resolutions is a great way to actually get things done, so don’t be afraid of cutting down your long list. Don’t spread yourself too thin across different personal goals, or else you’ll find yourself feeling more drained and chances are, everything can come out half-baked. Make those goals SMART, which is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Break down big goals into small chunks

Remember those big goals don’t have to be achieved overnight. Break them down into tiny chunks or smaller line items and spread them across the year. This way, you’re bound to get closer to achieving them without risking your sanity. A great way to keep yourself motivated is to give yourself some treats or rewards as a pat on the back for a set of checkboxes ticked.
Hold yourself accountable through community

While your New Year’s resolutions are personal, it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Hold yourself accountable to the people you trust the most by sharing the goals you want to achieve this 2022. Not only will they support you and cheer you on, they can also give you some honest advice whenever you lose your way.