They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. But truth be told, when the tough get going, they’ve got their share of pretty overwhelming moments too. This sentiment is true even when you’re working from home. Oftentimes, the lines between work and home can get blurry, from taking meetings while taking care of the kids, to longer work hours bleeding into bed time. State your case, we’ve all been there. The question now is, how exactly can we de-stress from the demands of life? Here are some simple ways to start.
Take power naps
You might be tempted to skip this because you’ve got so many deadlines to beat, and you perceive naps as a luxury. But trust us, clocking in a good 10 to 20 minutes of snooze is great for relieving a tired mind. You’ll come out finishing that report better with a clearer head.

Treat yourself
Give yourself a pat on the back for every milestone you achieved. On the other end, perhaps it’s time to cut yourself some slack. We’re all living in extraordinary times, so don’t feel guilty for treating yourself from time to time. One way you can do this? By eating some sweets–in moderation, of course. According to science, they’re actually one of the best medicines for stress.
Pick up some new hobbies
Right now, you’re probably thinking, who’s got time for hobbies anyway? But hear us out, studies have actually shown that people who engage in hobbies at least once a week are less fatigued. So by all means, learn something new. Picking up hobbies you’re interested in, like baking, can feel like a welcome breeze after a crazy schedule.