The summer season is in full swing, and while restrictions are in place that could hamper your OG vacation plans, there are plenty of ways to make a summer indoors still amazing. Like for instance, how about gathering your kids and planning up your next baking masterpiece together. Now, that’s one bonding moment that they’ll always treasure. But how exactly can you get your kids into baking? Check out these tips!

  1. Don’t be afraid of letting them use tools and appliances

Let your little ones participate in the entire process, but don’t forget to show them how it’s done first, like how to beat eggs, or how to fold cream. They will also love the thrill of watching a stand mixer mixing all ingredients of cupcakes into one, for example, but don’t forget to keep an eye on their little fingers.

  1. Let them make a mess

Allow your kiddos to spill a little bit of sugar or a dollop of butter on the table when they’re making bars, cobbler, or any other sweet treat. Baking with your kids doesn’t have to be an ultra neat exercise. Trust us, by doing this, they’ll enjoy the process even more! Have paper towels and wet cloths nearby though, and from time to time, you can tell them to clean up as they go. 

  1. Allow them to lend you a helping hand in decorating

Kids love it when they can tap on their creative side and go all out. So go ahead and make them add extra sprinkles, candies, chocolate, and the like. Before you know it, a baking masterpiece is on the way.

4. Get them into a fun baking class

While you’re at it, enrolling together at a live virtual interactive class is a great way to get your kids into baking too. For one, they get to learn with you at a specific pace, and meet other kids doing the same thing. Now, that’s definitely a win-win.

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