Breastfeeding is no one-way street. In fact, it’s a learned skill and takes both mommy and baby to tango. Ask any mom and they’ll tell you how there were many mistakes along the way before getting it right, or even before it becomes as natural as breathing. Just know that with any mommy mishap, there’s always another chance to try again. But what to do when you do find yourself in the middle of a nursing mishap? Let’s explore some of them here.

Help! My baby immediately cries or falls asleep after a few sucks. 

Don’t worry, mommy. This doesn’t necessarily mean your baby hates to breastfeed. It’s quite common for babies to act this way and is usually a signal that they need you to guide them towards a better latching position to get the milk flow started. Some babies stop sucking if they are not latched securely, so just be extra patient.

How do I alleviate the pain when breastfeeding?

While it’s normal for the first few weeks to have that “ouch factor”. Try to determine what’s causing the pain, because different reasons equal different solutions. For instance, it could be caused by a poor latch, which can be resolved by figuring out the best breastfeeding position that works for you. Or perhaps it can be caused by your baby’s tongue-tie, which might require a minor surgical operation. However, it’s best to consult a lactation specialist first if the pain persists.

I think I have a low milk supply. Can I introduce my baby to formula?

Formula is not the default answer, mommy. Trust us. Your milk supply can very much vary on a day-to-day basis. If you think your milk supply is low, eat foods that promote milk production naturally and make it a habit to drink water.

Is it better to stick to my own schedule when breastfeeding?

Studies actually promote the total opposite and promote “baby-led” feeding. This involves feeding your baby when he’s hungry or when he shows interest. This also includes letting your baby dictate the pace on when to switch breasts when nursing. In fact, sticking to your own schedule can actually deprive your little one of more nutritious milk.

How can I keep my breasts from leaking excessively?

While leakages point to great milk production, too much of it can be uncomfortable. To stop the leaking momentarily, you can use breast pads to trap the wetness. Likewise, make it a habit to pump regularly to remove the excess milk and save it for future use. You can also opt to breastfeed your baby before going to bed so you can minimize the amount of milk inside. Above all else though, don’t forget to consult your doctor.

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